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Muscles Used When Playing Squash (Lower, Upper Body and Core)

Squash is a game that is not so popular in North America but is celebrated almost everywhere else in the world. It is something that I have been interested in lately, and I wanted to know if there are any benefits to playing when it comes to working your muscles. So, I did some research to find out for myself.

Playing the game of Squash works all of your major muscle groups, from arms to back and legs. Participating in the sport requires using your entire body, so you can basically get a full workout from just playing one game.

These are the main muscles groups used when playing Squash.

  • Shoulders
  • Legs and hips
  • Forearm and upper arm
  • Core muscles
  • Back muscles

When the game of Squash is brought up in conversation, there are a lot of opinions that others might have about it. The sport is rumored to be very dangerous, but it has also been known to come with a lot of health benefits, including giving you a great workout.

In this article, we will be focusing on the muscles that Squash works when you play frequently. So, if you are looking to pick up a new exercise routine or you would just like to get more active, you can find all of that information here. Keep reading to learn all about using Squash as a workout.

A Great Full Body Workout

Despite all of the mixed feedback that the game of Squash receives from the general public, there is one thing that is certain about the sport. This is the fact that you can get a killer workout while you are playing.

The game of Squash includes running around in a room with four walls, whether you are by yourself or with a group of friends, and hitting a ball with a racquet in one hand. The ball will bounce off the walls, and all players will try to hit it once again.

As you can probably tell, the game requires a series of movements, from running to hitting and even jumping in some circumstances.

As a result of all of these movements that you will be performing while you are playing on the court, you will also be using the muscles that go along with it. And, as you can probably guess, using muscles also translates to working them out.

So, whether you are trying to lose some weight, gain strength across your body parts, or tone your muscles that are already there, you can achieve all of these things with the simple game of Squash.

Squash: Muscles Used

In this section, we will be answering the main question of what muscles are used to play Squash.

Main Muscle groups

As mentioned before, the main muscle groups that are used and worked out while playing Squash are shoulders, legs, hips, forearms, upper arms, core muscles, and back muscles.

When you are running around the room, bending down, extending yourself, and using the strength in your body and muscles to hit the ball with great force, these are all of the main muscle areas that you will be targeting.

So, if you are aiming to work on any of these general areas in your exercise routine, Squash might be the perfect activity to add to your regular workouts.

Specific Muscle groups

To be more specific, I have also put together a list of the particular muscles that are worked out while playing Squash, within the general areas that were just mentioned. These muscles can be found in the next list down below.

These are the specific muscles that are worked out while playing Squash:

  • Girdle
  • Pectorals
  • Deltoids
  • Gluteals
  • Hamstrings
  • Quads
  • Calves
  • Wrist flexors and extensors
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Rectus abdominis
  • Obliques
  • Spinal erectors

Upper Body muscles

On your upper body, the muscles that you will be working on while you’re playing Squash include the girdle, pectorals, and deltoids. These are all located in your shoulder and chest area and will be worked while you are moving your arms to hit the ball.

Instead of lifting heavyweights in the gym every day, you can tone the muscles in your biceps and triceps by playing Squash. That way, you can actually have fun while you are seeing the results that you want to see in your body.

When you are moving your wrist to hit the ball with your racquet, you are directly working out and building strength in your wrist flexors and extensors. While this is not something that most people will target in the gym, you can actually benefit a lot in your everyday life with some strong wrist ligaments.

Core muscles

Similarly, you can work out your core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, your obliques, and even spinal erectors. So, if you are looking to get some six-pack abs, or you just want to improve your back strength and posture, a simple game of Squash can help.

Lower Body muscles

When you are running and bending down, on the other hand, you will be working out your gluteals, hamstrings, quads, and calves. These are all of the muscles in your lower body, in both your upper and lower leg region. This will help you to gain strength in this area, as well as tone the muscles that are already there.

Of course, you will need to play Squash for long periods of time, and very frequently throughout the week in order to see any kind of significant results. If you just pop into the court once a month, or you play for 15 minutes at a time and leave, you should not expect to see any changes in your body.

Prevent and Avoid Injuries while Playing Squash

Now that you have a basic understanding of the muscle groups and specific muscles that will be worked out while you are playing Squash, it is important to discuss how you can avoid any injuries during this time.

At the same time that you’re working for these muscle groups, you will also be putting yourself at a higher risk of pulling or tearing a muscle.

In this section, we will be outlining some of the basic ways that you can avoid injuries to your muscles and bones while you are out on the Squash court. The last thing that you want to do is move backward while you are trying to improve the way your body looks and how you feel.

How to prevent and avoid injuries while playing Squash:

  • Always stretch thoroughly before you start playing.
  • Do some warm-up exercises.
  • Wear the proper gear and clothing.
  • Consult your doctor before you get serious about playing the game.
  • Know how far you can go and don’t push yourself too hard.

Stretch and warm-up

The first way to avoid injuries while playing Squash is to stretch thoroughly before and after playing. This is important because stiff muscles are very easy to strain and pull. However, if your body is loose and prepared, you can feel free to move around and play the game to the fullest extent.

Similarly, you should do some warm-up exercises before the game begins. This can include a light jog, or even practicing with your racquet. In doing this, it is important to keep every muscle group in mind that was previously mentioned.

You won’t want to miss anything that you know you will be using, so go down the list one more time if you need to before you get out to the court.

Wear the appropriate gear

Additionally, you should wear the proper gear and clothing. This should include lightweight athletic clothing, along with running shoes that have a good grip on the surface of the court, as well as ankle support.

Know your limits

Consult your doctor before you get serious about playing the game on a regular basis, and make sure that you don’t have any conditions that will limit you from moving how you would like to on the court.

Finally, you should know how far you can go while you are playing the game, and don’t push yourself too hard. If you have a medical condition, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it should stop you from playing.

However, you should know how long you can play and how far you can push yourself before you’ll end up getting injured.

All in all

Squash is a very physically active game that almost anyone can participate in and enjoy. It is not only a fun activity, but it is also one that will help you get a nice workout and become more active in your daily life.

Whether you are trying to shed off a few pounds or get stronger throughout your entire body, Squash is certainly the way to do it. As long as you keep in mind the proper stretching and warm-up techniques, you should have no problem toning and strengthening your muscle groups without incurring any injuries.